Friday, March 1, 2019

What Happened to February 29th?

Today is March 1st and yesterday was February 28th...what happened to February 29th?!   Once every four years, there is a Leap Day in a Leap Year!  Why though?  February 29th is a day that is added to the calendar in Leap Years as a corrective measure because the Earth does not orbit the sun in precisely 365 days.  I wonder why they couldn't add an October 32nd or a June 31st?  Inquiring minds want to know!  

Here's a thought:  what if you were born on February 29th?  Would you celebrate on February 28th on non-Leap Day years or would you celebrate on March 1st?  What if you got married on February 29th like my husband and I did?  Egads! What were we thinking?!  It has been crazy trying to figure out the "WHEN?" to celebrate!!!   Our special day, we thought, would be so unique and fun...has turned into one kooky celebration date each and every year.  Yesterday, which was February 28th, I told my husband "Happy Anniversary"!  His response was, "I thought we celebrated on March 1st?!  We deliberated for what seemed like an hour over when we should or shouldn't celebrate!  Really?!  What a waste of precious time!  How are we supposed to remember from year to year which day to celebrate?!  We ended up going out to dinner last night and celebrated our awesome marriage...but, it wasn't February 29th so it felt weird!  At least every four years we will get it right...maybe!  I guess we could go get married all over again and forego the wacky day that only exists on the calendar every four years...Nah!!!!


  1. Happy anniversary! Glad you are blogging again this year!

    1. Thank you, Nellie! I am excited about blogging too and I'm like ecstatic you are blogging with us this year!!

  2. "Someone" is way too frugal to celebrate both days!!! lol
