During my morning commute to work, I enjoy many things each and every day such as sipping on my freshly-brewed coffee, I enjoy listening to some 80s tunes...sometimes country and sometimes classic rock. I look forward to visiting with my sister, I eagerly await the beautiful sunrise, I'm pretty pro at dodging idiot drivers, I can drive with my knee so I can eat my granola bar or banana while sipping on my freshly-brewed coffee...not a minute wasted...but, I never ever EVER planned to enjoy eating a tiny green worm all wrapped in white silk! Thank goodness I could not find my granola bar on this one particular morning I speaketh of!!
On this particular morning I speaketh of, I zipped into the school parking lot, I got out of the car and went around to the other side of the car and opened the passenger door. There, between the seat and the car door, was the granola bar that slid off the seat and fell to the floor and thankfully was out of my reach, and because of that, I was starving to death during my early morning commute. Imagine how hangry I was! I was dying to get in the school doors and high-tail it down the hall to unlock the library and turn on the lights. My belly was growling fiercely as I threw down my bags and computer and plopped down in my chair while opening that granola bar package only to find white, finely spun silk, outlining the granola thin. Hmmm! I thought it looked weird like maybe I had actually purchased the s'mores one...if they even made the s'mores one...and also thought that the white stuff all the way around the edges of the granola thin was possibly a thin layer of marshmallow? Aw, heck, no! It really was finely spun silk and my eyes did not deceive me because there was all of a sudden some movement and would you believe that slowly, but surely, out inched the tiniest green worm I had ever seen?! I couldn't believe my eyes. Had I eaten my granola bar in the car, I would never have seen the worm because it is dark in the car during my commute to work. I would have eaten it. I think I'm going to hurl just thinking about it. What was I doing just sitting there? Was I in shock? I most definitely know I was dumbfounded! At least I thought to video this miraculous moment in Nature Valley history! I bet you just want to run out and buy yourself a box of Nature Valley Granola Thins...don't ya?!!!
P.S. I could not find the video at the moment, but I will look for it in my spare time if anyone is interested in viewing the little green worm and the web that came out of a thoroughly sealed package of granola thins! I do keep the box on the top shelf of my library bookcase to serve as a constant reminder of what brand NOT to buy when purchasing granola bars!!!
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