Saturday, March 30, 2019

Garnet and Purl

You've heard of garnets and pearls, but what is wild about the Garnet and Pearl I know is they were both my grandfathers' names.  Who names their child Garnet?!  Who names their child Pearl?  Priscilla and Alberta, my great-grandmothers, that's who!!  I never knew either of these women, but I did learn that my dear poor old' German great-grandmother might not have had been "on point" when spelling the names of her boys.  I found out from my mother that she not only named my grandpa, Pearl, but his brothers were named Jean and Leigh.  At least their brother, Harvey, had a name she couldn't "feminize"!!!  We laugh about this now, but back when my grandpa and his brothers enlisted in the Navy, thank goodness the military encouraged and helped Purl, Lee, and Gene change the official spelling of their first names!!  Learning about my family is so interesting to me, but what are the odds of having my paternal grandfather named Garnet and my maternal grandfather named Purl?  I guess that is why I am such a "Jewel"!!!

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