Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Dear Abby,

For the last five years...probably...I've been saying that I'm going to exercise more.  I've done fairly well with eating more healthy...only because my husband eats healthy and he's the one that cooks or decides if we are going out to eat.  I love to go out to lunch or supper because I so desire dessert on occasion, but my healthy-conscientious husband unintentionally makes me feel like a complete tub of lard if I consider ordering a piece of pie or ice cream!!  He doesn't even have to say anything or make faces, I just think I know what he must be thinking!!

I believe my main problem is that I am too sedentary...like rocks that have settled in the last layer of the Earth's crust!! There is no movement down there folks!  Since my kids have gotten older, I'm not having to chase after them anymore and I'm not constantly picking up and putting away until my head hits the pillow!! I know I'm getting older, but I am NOT that old!!  I think I need some motivation.  Whatever happened to the exercise challenge Winnie and Rachael were doing district-wide?  Did the challenge stop because everyone got skinny but me?!  I'm needing some helpful tips on how to get started exercising daily and keeping at it.  When do you find the time to exercise or what do you do to keep that muffin top at bay?


Fatty Lumpkins


  1. Oh Julie! I just love you and your sense of humor. One thing I can totally relate to is "I just think I know what he must be thinking". My hubby is forever saying to stop analyzing what I'm thinking about what he is thinking, because he is not thinking those things, BUT a woman knows, I just KNOW, he is thinking those things. :)

  2. I know exactly how you feel! In years past, I have gotten up before work to take long walks....but I just can't bring myself to do that lately, it has been cold so I've just snuggled up under the covers in the early mornings instead of exercising. My days are so long and I'm so tired in the evenings, I don't move as much as I should. If you figure out the solution, please share!!

  3. I can't do it either. Maybe you and I should walk the halls after school? Get our gab in and our exercise. If our thighs ran as fast as our mouths, we would be fit!
