I don't know if they even make pink foam curlers anymore or not because I'm so traumatized from these nasty beasts that I think I've spent my entire life unknowingly avoiding whatever aisle they might be on in the store!
When I was a young girl, my sister and I had hair down to our waist. Our hair was straight so my mom would wash our hair at night by lying us on the kitchen counter and we'd inch up to the sink and she'd wash our hair using the spray nozzle. I think I'm traumatized from that as well because I cannot stand any type of rain, overspray at the carwash or beauty shoppe, splashing at the swimming pool like NOTHING in my face or eyes!! Call me a wimp, I'm just telling you how it is!! lol
After we got our hair washed, we'd go get our pajamas on and then mom would comb our hair and roll it in the pink foam curlers. Rolling the hair in the pink foam curlers was extremely disliked by my sister and me. Have you tried to sleep with plastic gouging your head in all directions all night long? It was uncomfortable and honestly barbaric!
One day, we went to Otasco (a store back in the day before a Walmart) and mom bought a bubble hairdryer! It was a blue plastic model (pictured below because she still has it) and our hopes of never having to sleep in the pink foam curlers again were quite promising. Mom got the hairdryer out of the box, unlatched it and pulled the dome up and plugged it in. I wanted to go first so I got to be the first one to sit under the new dryer, but my sister got to go first because you know, she's the favorite!! Just kidding, but not really...back then I think she was! Anyway, once we got done sitting under the dryer we were anxious to get those dreadful pink foam curlers out of our hair. We found out real fast that mom only bought the bubble dryer so we wouldn't have to go to bed with wet hair any longer, not so we wouldn't have to sleep in the horrendous head-poking heinous hard-plastic pink foam hair curlers!!!!! Why on earth should we still have to sleep in those pink foam hair curlers? It was pure agony. I'm just now realizing that I might honestly have been tortured as a child!!! After complaining quite fiercely, we discovered that if we took out the unpleasant pink foam curlers that our straight hair that now has curls would be flat once we woke up the next morning. It was a no-win situation for sure.

I spent many years having to endure the pink foam curlers, curling irons, electric hot rollers, and barrel brushes but something happened on a day in the fall of 1995. I was getting a perm and was pregnant with Chet and from that day on I've had curly hair! (Don't try this at home folks) Seriously, isn't that weird? It's like the hormones or something in my body during that time caused me to go from straight as an arrow hair to curly hair and life without those stinking pink foam curlers, curling irons, electric hot rollers, and the barrel brushes has been like heaven. But wait for it...EVERYBODY WANTS STRAIGHT HAIR NOW!!!! Bring on the flat iron!!!